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 Home Remedies

Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and
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Scabies is a skin infection that is caused by a type of mite. It is very contagious. Scabies mites burrow, or tunnel, under the outer layer of skin. This produces pimple-like irritations known as the scabies rash. The mites are about the size of a pinhead, are nearly transparent, and usually cannot be seen. These mites lay eggs under the skin and feed on blood. Scabies is transferred by direct skin-to-skin contact. It can also be transferred by contact with clothes or bedding that has been contaminated by an infected person. A very common way to get scabies is to shake hands with an infected person.

The dried bark of a peepal tree can be powdered fine, strained through a fine sieve and used as a dusting powder on scabiotic lesions.
  • Peepal Tree Bark
  • It is also important to eliminate all possible sources of re-infestation. This is most important during the first 7-10 days of treatment so remember to wash all bedding and clothing in hot water (preferably after the clothes have been soaked in boiled neem water) and dry them in a hot dryer.
Other Remedies
  • Fresh juice of apricot leaves should be extracted and applied over the infected area. It has beneficial results in the treatment of scabies.
  • Make a neem leaf paste with fresh or dried neem leaves and an equal quantity of turmeric powder mixed with mustard oil. This should be applied on the body and left for an hour or so. Then the person should bath. Repeat for 7- 10 days till all lesions have healed.
  • Extract the juice from 400 - 500 gm of drumstick leaves. Mix with an equal amount of sesame seed oil, and boil till the water dries up. Cool and store. Apply daily over the infected parts. Both have strong anti-microbial properties.
Tags:   Scabies, scabies , infected , leaves , person , neem , skin , water , mites , dried , tree , been , contact , clothes , fine , lesions , applied , treatment , equal , oil , juice
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