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Varicose Veins
Veins are thin walled vessels through which the impure blood is carried back to the heart. Varicose veins is a condition in which veins become enlarged, dilated, or thickened. This condition can occur in any part of the body but generally appears in the legs. Any condition that puts excessive pressure on the legs can lead to varicosity. Hormonal fluctuations, dietary deficiencies, loss of skin elasticity due to aging, prolonged standing, constrictive clothing, obesity or lack of exercise are contributory factors.
Prominent dark blue blood vessels.
Aching and heaviness in a limb, sometimes accompanied by swelling, due to standing for a length of time.
Discolored, peeling skin and constant pain.
Featured Remedy
Varicose Veins Allow the root of bistort (Anjabar) to soak in 1 liter of cold water for 12 hours. Strain and take 2 to 3 cups a day between meals. This remedy is very effective in healing varicose veins.
Varicose Veins
Root of Bistort or polygonum bistorta (Anjabar)
Varicose Veins
Run hot and cold water alternatively over your legs to let the blood vessels expand and contract.
Wear elastic stockings to support the varicose veins.
Eat plenty of fiber rich foods.
Regular massage can significantly reduce the discomfort caused due to varicose veins.
Avoid wearing tightly fitting clothes.
Avoid standing still for long periods.
Other Remedies
Varicose Veins
Have 20 ml juice of brahmi (a tropical creeper, available at any grocers' shop) two times a day for getting relief from varicose veins.
Apply apple cider vinegar (available at any local grocery store -it is brownish in color) every evening on the veins.
The consumption of raw vegetable juices, especially carrot juice mixed with spinach juice is very beneficial.
The extract of the leaves of marigold plant (Gainda) should be applied externally for faster results.
All advice is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice and/or diagnosis/treatment. DesiDieter does not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.