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Articles - Weight Management
Weight Reduction Diet Plans
Ayurvedic View on Weight Management

In Ayurveda, obesity is the sign of vata, pitta, and kapha imbalance. One may be obese, irrespective of the fact, that how much or how little food he takes. The Ayurvedic approach to obesity treatment is based on taking a realistic look at your body type

Tags: Unani, Clinical, Herb, Kapha, Pitta, Vata

Weight Management Issues: Odd Working Hours

Our body has its own body clock and whenever it is disrupted, it may lead to physical, psychological and emotional conditions like stress, obesity and digestive disorders.

Weight Management Issues: Frequent Travel

The biggest problem with dieting while on the move is that you may not be able to plan your next meal. Its important to make a conscious decision to eat healthy wherever you stop over.

Tags: Calcium, Selenium, Fatty Acid, Hat, Iron, Vitamin

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Discussions - Weight Management
Weight gain is a sign of diabetes

Actually, in diabetes weight loss occurs due to polyuria (frequent urination), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and increased energy utilization due to change in body metabolism. DD Expert

What are various ways of weight reduction

What are the safe and sureshot ways of weight reduction? Can weight reduction be done without dieting?

Heart health and kidney stones correlation..

Recent study study suggests life style factors that are linked to healthy heart and bone health can also protect you from painful kidney stone. Following are the suggestions to keep kidney stone at bay and maintain healthy heart. 1. Reduced calories intake for obese or over weight woman can reduc

Heart health and kidney stones correlation..

Recent study study suggests life style factors that are linked to healthy heart and bone health can also protect you from painful kidney stone. Following are the suggestions to keep kidney stone at bay and maintain healthy heart. 1. Reduced calories intake for obese or over weight woman can reduc

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Blog Posts - Weight Management
Healthy Eating At Work Place

We all know that healthy eating habits have huge effects on our  weight loss goal. At workplace we are always preoccupied so developing unhealthy food habits like skipping breakfast, overeating, late night dinner and fast food consumption is common. In today's fast paced office life many worke

Happy Mother's On DesiDieter

Looking for the perfect gift for your mom on Mother’s Day?  DesiDieter has a suggestion; how about giving her something she can use to manage her health? We think an ideal gift that she will treasure is her personal health and nutrition manager. Consider giving her a ‘Women Care&rs;

Physical Activity Improves Academic Performance

Healthy body does lead to a healthy mind is just not a fancy phrase. Science and research proves the direct correlation between a healthy body and healthy mind.   According to a study, which involved 1.2 million people, better cardiovascular fitness was associated with higher intelligence. &

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Veg Wholesome Meal

One baked plum with a spoon of vanilla icecream

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