Anaemia occurs when the level of haemoglobin (red blood cells) falls below normal levels, causing a decrease in the supply of oxygen in the tissues.
A diet rich in iron helps in increasing the hemoglobin levels. It is seen that iron from non-veg sources (heme-iron) is more readily absorbed than iron from vegetarian sources (non-heme iron). The addition of vitamin C to the diet helps in the absorption of iron and hence squeezing some lime juice on your salads/food and eating or drinking foods rich in vitamin C along with your meals would facilitate iron absorption. Avoid drinking tea with your meals as the tannins present in the tea can interfere with the absorption of iron from the meal.
Adults and children who are diagnosed of low hemoglobin count require an iron rich diet. Diet for anemia contains iron rich veg/non-veg sources and is nutritionally rich in vitamins and folic acid.
Diet for anemic patients should be evaluated by a medical expert and/or a nutritionist. DesiDieter nutrition experts have formulated an Anemia Diet i.e., a generic plan to help individuals improve upon their hemoglobin count.
Majority of women and children in India are anemic. A proper dietary care is all that is required to improve the condition. Please consult a diet expert to learn what diet is appropriate for you and your lifestyle.
Click here to consult our Expert Dietician for a personalized Diet for Anaemia.