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Articles - Diets
Weight Management Issue:Tips for Self Discipline while Following Diets

Many of us have started diets with a lot of enthusiasm and ended up losing weight only in the first few days. Ever wondered why diets work best only for a short time.

Weight Reduction Diet Plans
Ayurvedic View on Weight Management

In Ayurveda, obesity is the sign of vata, pitta, and kapha imbalance. One may be obese, irrespective of the fact, that how much or how little food he takes. The Ayurvedic approach to obesity treatment is based on taking a realistic look at your body type

Tags: Unani, Clinical, Herb, Kapha, Pitta, Vata

Eat Right for The Fight

A six-year study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in December 2008 said that people with diabetes who eat more high-fiber grains, vegetables and fruits can better their blood sugar and possibly avoid the need for additional

Tags: Homeopathy, Dehydration, Insulin, Nausea, Cancer, Cholesterol

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Discussions - Diets
Looking for a weight loss buddy

I am looking for someone who is looking to have some motivation and support for losing weight..we can may be compare notes of our diets and workouts evryday and keep each other going when monotony sets in ....looking forward...

Lose weight before gaining baby weight

URBANA – A new University of Illinois study contains a warning for obese women who are planning pregnancies. Even if they eat a healthy diet when they are pregnant, their babies will develop in an unhealthy environment that places the infants at risk for future health problems. "We can see fat

Tips for a Healthy Heart

20 Healthy Heart Tips: 1)All activity helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. Take the stairs routinely, or take the first available parking space and walk the extra distance to the office. 2)Eat Healthy: Avoid prepared foods. Most are loaded with fat, salt and sugar 3)

Can Surgery Cure Diabetes?

Obesity operation may cure diabetes in many A new study gives the strongest evidence yet that obesity surgery can cure diabetes. Patients who had surgery to reduce the size of their stomachs were five times more likely to see their diabetes disappear over the next two years than were patients

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Blog Posts - Diets
Why We Introduced Theta Healing With Holistic Diets?

Theta Healing is not a new concept. It is an age old practice but introduced in reformed techniques and practiced by professional healers. DesiDieter Experts realised that healing is not just nutrition. It is so much more. If the mind is positive so is the body. We introduced Theta Healing Sessions

DesiDieter Diets Include Green Tea, Jamuns, Aloe Vera And Triphala

I am always answerable. How will you help us lose weight is the question I respond to multiple times in a week. So am writing it down for all to know, the principles of DesiDieter diet. Fad dieting is not on our agenda. The plans are made for you and by you. Yes, you guide and I follow. The regular

5 Mantras To Quick Weight Loss From DesiDieter Plans.

Limit Sugar Intake. Sugar is empty calories and is absorbed quickly in the body and immediately provokes Insulin to convert glucose to energy. Restricting on sugar will deprive your cells of quick energy and along with daily physical activity may help stored body fat to start burn out. Here are 5 t

Why Buy DesiDieter Packages

DesiDieter offers the best diet services at an economically. Our plans are simple yet effective and diet expert Tina Khanna ensures, that you achieve your weight loss goals.   Our clients are placed globally. They find it convenient to connect to a diet expert from India who understands holis

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Veg Wholesome Meal

1.5 cup Ven pongal + 1/2 katori Spring onion chutney +

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