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Articles - Home Remedies
Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or Impotence is when you have trouble getting or keeping an erection. ED becomes more common as you get older. But it is not a natural part of aging.

Tags: Homeopathy, Dehydration, Insulin, Nausea, Cancer, Cholesterol


Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body.

Tags: Gall Bladder, Has, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure

Ayurveda to Cure Male Infertility

Most men suffer from low sperm count, medically known as Oligospermia. Infertility may be caused due to hormone imbalances, excessive smoking, drinking alcohol, deskbound work, etc. High pollution levels and the distortion of the food chain leads to damag

Tags: Obesity, Unani, Clinical, Herb, Kapha, Pitta

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Discussions - Home Remedies
Homemade Skin Care

Green your skin care routine and save money while reducing your consumption of plastic container. If you have teenagers or are struggling to keep a clear complexion, you already know how costly acne products add to your monthly budget. Skip the pre-packaged commercial products and make your own skin

Diet Pills:Are diet pills safe and will they help me lose weight?

Are diet pills safe and will they help me lose weight?

Home remedies for falling hair.

Does anyone know a good home remedy for falling hair.

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Blog Posts - Home Remedies
Fast Facts On Thyroid Disease

DesiDieter recognizes January as Thyroid Awareness Month. We get a number of calls this time of the year from women with weight issues due to Hypothyroid.   After, doing some research on Hypothyroidism, we found some facts that are written in easy to understand language.   Common sympt

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Home Remedy(s) - Home Remedies
Painful Menstruation

Also known as dysmenorrhoea, menstrual cramps can affect as many as eight out of ten women at some point of their lives. Medical science proposes that primarily dysmenorrhoea is caused by excess production of prostaglandins (a hormone which regulates


Arteriosclerosis or 'thickening of the walls of the arteries' has become a common aliment of modern times. When there is excessive cholesterol in the blood, it builds up in the form of plaque on the walls of arteries that carry blood to the heart. Th

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Veg Wholesome Meal

2 Oats peas dosa + 1 katori Sambar + 1 katori Carrot koshambir + Orange

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