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Articles - Diet
Top 5 Ways to Make Your Diet a Success

Losing weight is a dilemma for most people. Most often, you may find yourself going on a crash diet and rigorous exercise regime and giving up due to early disappointments.

Cholesterol Diet Tips

You may know what foods to avoid in order to keep your levels of bad cholesterol in check but what are the foods you should be including in your diet to ensure a healthy heart and a managed level of cholesterol.

Tags: Selenium, Fatty Acid, Hat, Iron, Nutrition, Obesity


It is vital to know that risk for developing cancer can be increased by certain foods. While there are foods that promote good health, there are also others that promote abnormal cell growth and proliferation.

Tags: Gall Bladder, Has, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure

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Discussions - Diet
Promise of Natural Weight Loss Supplements

In the wake of the current matter over the basic safety of doctor prescribed diet pills , the weight-conscious public is questioning : What to do now ? Whenever gone on correctly , these nutritional elements carry none of the dangers of prescription weight loss supplements . Many of these items

Looking for a weight loss buddy

I am looking for someone who is looking to have some motivation and support for losing weight..we can may be compare notes of our diets and workouts evryday and keep each other going when monotony sets in ....looking forward...

Please help me

Well, I am 17 years and my height is 5' . My thighs are so big nd my legs, they are not in good shape. My lower body is a heavy. I am getting fatter everyday and not gaining height. My legs are short. I am being uncomfortable with my height and weight. Please help me !

Viral Fever

What are the possible caused and remedies for recent Viral fever spurt in India? What are the possible diet recommendations to build immunity against Viral fever?

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Blog Posts - Diet
Diet Post Festival Season

 The festivities are over. But New Year is around the corner. Instead of waiting for resolutions in 2015, make a goal now. Lose weight with DesiDieter before New Year’s Eve. Getting in shape is easy. All it needs is dedication. What should you do to shed the first two Kgs?

Are you at your perfect weight?

Perhaps not, I don't want to sound rude, but as a human being we are always striving for more - you probably have your ideal weight and figure within your head... in your thoughts. Take our Crystal Package where you will experience guided meditation by our expert which will guide you to take action

Weight Release By Theta Healing

Theta Healer Jeetika believes that weight is a mindset. When you change the way you think, you change your weight. Diet expert Tina Khanna has also experienced the benefits of theta healing on clients. Personal experience also taught her that when you let go of resentments the weight is bound to mo

Why We Introduced Theta Healing With Holistic Diets?

Theta Healing is not a new concept. It is an age old practice but introduced in reformed techniques and practiced by professional healers. DesiDieter Experts realised that healing is not just nutrition. It is so much more. If the mind is positive so is the body. We introduced Theta Healing Sessions

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Home Remedy(s) - Diet

Goiter is a condition in which there is a swelling of the thyroid gland at the back of the neck. Women are more vulnerable to it as compared to men. The major symptoms are swelling of the thyroid gland, diminished power of concentration, emotional up


Diabetes is characterized by an abnormally high level of blood glucose in the urine. It results from relative lack of insulin which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism and the metabolism of protein and fat. Ancient scholars of Ayurveda

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Veg Wholesome Meal

One baked plum with a spoon of vanilla icecream

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