According to Ayurveda, everything is composed of five elements: air, water, fire, earth and space. These elements combine to form the three doshas; vata, kapha and pitta, and these account for the differences in the way out body responds to things. |
The Vata Dosha is a combination of space and air.
The Kapha Dosha represents the elements of water and earth.
The Pitta Dosha combines fire and water. |
When your dosha is imbalanced, the flow of vital energy is interrupted.
An Ayurveda Weight Loss diet follows the principles set by our ancestors to promote healthy weight loss. |
Take this small quiz to know your dosha. For each question choose the option that describes you the closest: |
Q1.How would you describe your body structure: |
Thin built and small-boned. May be tall or short |
Medium built |
Thick, ample or stocky built. Larger bone-structure |
Q2.Which one of the following describes you the best: |
Prominent joints, dont put on weight easily |
Moderate body weight, may be athletic, muscular |
Overweight |
Q3.Which one of the following describes your skin the best: |
Skin is dry, chaps easily, rough, cool, prominent veins |
Oily skin, warm, sensitive skin, reddish, inflamed |
Thick skin, cool, prone to acne |
Q4.Which one of the following describes your hair the best: |
Hair is coarse and dry |
Hair is fine, oily, may have balding or premature graying |
Thick hair, shiny, lustrous |
Q5.Which one of the following describes your lips the best: |
Lips are thin, dry, chap easily |
Lips are soft, medium-sized |
Lips are large, smooth, full |
Q6.Which one of the following describes your nails the best: |
Brittle, ridged or cracked nails |
Soft and flexible nails |
Strong and thick nails |
Q7.Which one of the following describes your stamina the best: |
Little strength, tires easily |
Medium strength |
Strong, good endurance |
Q8.Which one of the following describes your physical activity the best: |
Physically very active |
Enjoys physical activity, especially competitive |
Less active, sometimes lethargic |
Q9.Which one of the following describes your bowel movements the best: |
Bowel movements irregular, hard, dry |
Bowel movements easy and regular, soft, oily and loose |
Bowel movements thick, oily, heavy, slow |
Q10.Which one of the following describes your mental state the best: |
Mind is active, restless |
Mind is focused and sharp |
Mind is calm and slow |
Q11.Which one of the following describes your reaction to stress the best: |
Tendency toward fear or anxiety when under stress |
Tend toward anger, frustration or irritability when under stress |
Tendency to avoid situations that are difficult |
Q12.Which one of the following describes your memory the best: |
Recent memory is good, long-term memory is poor |
Excellent memory |
Memory is slow but sustaining |
Q13.Which one of the following describes your sleep the best: |
Light sleeper |
Usually sleep well |
Sound, heavy sleeper |
Q14.Which one of the following describes you the best: |
Cold hands and feet, little perspiration |
Good circulation, perspire frequently |
Moderate perspiration |
Q15.Which one of the following describes your dreams the best: |
Dreams are fearful, flying, movement |
Dreams fiery, angry, violence, passionate |
Dreams peaceful, romantic, water, ocean |
Q16.Which one of the following describes your health the best: |
Tendency towards constipation, anxiety, nervousness, poor sleep |
Tendency towards inflammation, high blood pressure, aggression |
Tendency towards respiratory congestion, water retention |