Diet Counselling & Theta Healing Sessions Help You Live, Light & Bright
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Nutrition Expert

Tina Khanna

Tina Khanna, Nutrition expert with 10 years of experience in the field of weight management and health industry. With expertise in the field of content writing and online diet consultation, I offer guidance to clients in practical approach to adopting healthy living from my home based clinic in Delhi NCR/Noida.

A postgraduate in therapeutic nutrition from Delhi University and hospital dietetics training from AIIMS, I started my career with Dr.Shikha Sharma in Delhi and gained experience in several sectors since then including Niche in Bangalore, Orange Cross in Gurgaon and presently with Ez-Healthline, Noida .

From corporate nutrition to school wellness initiative, have actively participated and gained knowledge on in the wellness and nutrition domain. Experience includes conducting workshops at corporate like Dell (formerly Perot), Naukri.com, Shri Venkateshwara International School at Dwarka, Rockwell, Wipro.

If you have a question for Tina Khanna, write to her at tina@desidieter.com

Theta healing Expert

Jeetika Duneja

Jeetika Duneja is a natural Psychic and works closely with the Powerful Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters, Guardian Angels, Fairies as well as Animal Spirit Guides to heal all aspects of human life. Angels are Beings of Light from the 7th dimension and higher. The angelic realms come from the heart of God and do not have free will as we do. Their will is the divine will.

Jeetika is certified in Theta healing where theta is the state of mind where it is believed we can create everything and change reality instantly. There are five main frequency brain waves Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma. These brain waves are in constant motion as the brain produces consistent waves at all frequencies. Theta state is a state of very deep relaxation. She is certified in different modules in Theta healing.

Jeetika is certified in Reiki healing, Bach flower therapy, Dream interpretation & Aura scanning too. Her spiritual journey started about 9 yrs ago when she attended a workshop on past life regression and ended up learning different modules of healing. Now she is a professional clairvoyant, Spiritual counsellor and a compassionate healer.

If you have a question for Jeetika, write to her at jeetika@desidieter.com

Veg Wholesome Meal

1.5 cup Ven pongal + 1/2 katori Spring onion chutney +

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