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 Special Diets

DesiDieter brings special healthy diets to give an outline on dietary habits in special conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, pregnancy, jaundice etc. These special healthy diets provide a menu for 5 days in different conditions.

One needs to consult the Nutritionist before starting special diets.

Online healthy diets are ready reference for an individual to learn eating pattern in a particular condition. You can enjoy healthy diets below which provide a healthy eating tool for the family. Register now and become a Silver / Gold / Platinum member and get customize diet plans as per your health conditions and lifestyle.

Healthy Heart Diet

Many of us are genetically prone to cardiovascular diseases; some of us live a sedentary lifestyle; many others have unhealthy ...

Diet for Hypertension

Hypertension or 'High Blood Pressure' as it is more commonly known, is a silent disease wherein there are hardly any noticeable...

Diabetes Diet

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that has reached serious proportions and affects a huge population. Diet plays an important role ...

Diet for Boosting Immunity

The immune system is what protects us from various diseases by identifying and destroying viruses, bacteria, tumor cells, etc. ...

Diet for Overweight Kids

Childhood is a time to lay the foundation of a healthy life. Obesity among children is primarily a result of their lifestyle that includes junk food ...

Diet for Underweight Kids

The pediatrician will be the best person to decide whether your child is underweight or just experiencing a growth spurt. ...
Veg Wholesome Meal

1.5 cup Ven pongal + 1/2 katori Spring onion chutney +

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