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Painful Menstruation

Also known as dysmenorrhoea, menstrual cramps can affect as many as eight out of ten women at some point of their lives. Medical science proposes that primarily dysmenorrhoea is caused by excess production of prostaglandins (a hormone which regulates uterine contractions) following a decline in progesterone levels. Some fortunate women suffer no more than three days of minor inconvenience whilst others face a week of miserable cramps, headache, sickness and heavy bleeding.
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen along with or before the onset of the menstrual cycle.
  • A constant dull pain which is usually relieved with menstruation.
  • Nausea, fatigue, abdominal distention.
  • Frequency in urination.

Painful Menstruation
Pestle Hing with Suhaga ash in a mortar to get a fine mixture. Take this mixture internally chewing with the pulp of aloe, twice a day for seven days, just before the expected date of menstrual cycle.
Painful Menstruation
  • Borax (Suhaga) in ash form - 2 grams
  • Asafetida (Hing) - 3 grams
  • Indian aloe (Ghee Kanwar) pulp - 5 grams (One can obtain it from a nursery)
Painful Menstruation
  • Avoid fried foods, pulses and sour foods.
  • Avoid foods that cause constipation.
  • Avoid potato, yellow pumpkin and brinjal. Instead you can have white pumpkin, papaya, drumstick, bitter gourd and cucumber.
  • Intake of garlic is very beneficial in dysmenorrhoea.
  • You can take some fish but avoid meat, poultry and dairy products.
  • Take plenty of rest but avoid sleeping during daytime.
Other Remedies
Painful Menstruation
  • Mix equal quantities of parsley juice, beet juice, carrot juice and cucumber juice (say 50 ml each). Drinking it regularly as it one of the most effective home remedies.
  • Regular intake of onion juice is very beneficial.
  • Roast 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds and mix some jaggery (Gur) in it. Take it warm once a day.
Tags:   Painful Menstruation, juice , some , menstrual , dysmenorrhoea , foods , cycle , hing , grams , ash , aloe , pumpkin , days , avoid , painful , cucumber , suhaga , day , pulp , beneficial , very
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