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The teeth exemplify the amazing balance of form and function. Good teeth are important part of one's health and appearance. Toothache is a very common problem. 'I told you so' is not the thing to say to a victim of toothache because all they wish is for the pain to be removed. Toothache appears to occur most frequently at night, making the need for an instant panacea of paramount importance.
  • Pain in the teeth, generally due to dental caries.
  • Gums become swollen and spongy.
  • Foul odor sometimes.

Place a clove of garlic with a little rock salt on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain very quickly and sometimes, may even cure it.
  • Garlic
  • Rock salt
  • Dental decay, the destruction of bone around the teeth, and infection of the gums can be prevented with an appropriate diet. So take care of your diet.
  • It is very important to restrict the intake of sugar.
  • Diet should include plenty of raw vegetables and whole wheat bread.
  • Frequent small snacks are very harmful to the teeth, as they produce an acid medium in which bacteria thrive.
  • Proper cleaning of the teeth is very essential to prevent toothache. Clean the teeth using circular motion with the brush.
Other Remedies
  • Press a cotton ball dipped in clove oil into the crevice where toothache persists. This not only relieves the pain but is also very beneficial due to its germicidal properties.
  • Powdered alum (Phitkari) can be rubbed onto the gums and teeth to reduce the problem of toothache.
  • Regular massage with powdered black pepper on the teeth and gums relieves the pain and prevents frequent dental problems.
  • Apply the a mixture of ginger juice and honey on the teeth regularly.
Tags:   Toothache, teeth , toothache , very , pain , gums , sometimes , problem , clove , important , dental , relieves , diet , mixture , honey , juice , ginger , toothache dental , bone , infection , destruction
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