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Eye Stye

Stye or sty is an infection of eyes where gland at eyelid becomes infected. A pimple/limp like thing appears at the eyelid, which can be visible at outside as well as inside of eyelid. This is not harmful to the vision. This problem could occur in any age.


Symptoms of stye or signs of stye:
Redness, swelling, tenderness, pain, uneasiness in the eye are the few symptoms of the stye. This is followed by a pimple or lump like development at the eyelid. The infected area might swell a bit or the entire could also swell. The watering of the eye occurs due to this. Sometimes patient could get fever or difficult vision. The redness of the eyelid is followed by pus. After the pus is out, the patient is relieved.

Causes of stye:
Stye is primarily caused due to staphylococcal bacteria. It is generally present in the nose, which is transferred to the eyes. It can also occur due to conjunctivitis, eye infections, and poor health.

The patient should avoid excessive intake of starchy and sugary foods. Styes can spread from an infected person to other members of the family. Precautions like giving separate towel, soap should be taken. Do not burst the stye as it could spread in the eye which is not infected. Never touch it with hands as your hand might contain germs which could make things worse. Eye stye is contagious so a very good hygiene is required.

Eye exercises like moving the eyes gently up & down, side to side in a circle, clockwise and anticlockwise and rotating the neck in circles and semi circles also helps in styes. The patient could also resort to palming. It removes strain and relaxes eyes and surrounding tissues.

Procedure for Palming: Sit comfortably in an arm chair and relax with your eyes closed. Cover eyes with your palms, right palm over right eye and left over the left. Do not press your eyes. With eyes closed, try to imagine blackness, which grows blacker & blacker.

Palming reduces strain and relaxes the eyes. Styes could be prevented by good hygiene, proper diet and using methods of relaxing and strengthening eyes.

Other Remedies
  1. Home remedies for stye or home remedy for stye with Triphala water:
    The eyes for the people suffering from Cataract should be washed with triphala water. To make triphala water, add 1 tsp of triphala powder in 1 glass of water and let it stay overnight. Filter it in the morning and use it to wash your eyes.
  2. Home remedies for stye or home remedy for stye with coriander seeds:
    1 tsp of coriander seeds should be boiled in a cup of water. Use this preparation to wash the eyes 3-4 times a day.
  3. Home remedies for stye or home remedy for stye with Alum:
    Use alum water to wash your eyes. This gives relief in stye. To prepare the solution, mix 2-3 granules of alum in a cup of water.
  4. Iced or hot, tea always taste great. Now something that adds to the greatness of tea even further. Tea bags could be used for cure of stye in eye. Wet tea bags and place it over the eyes for 8-10 minutes. Use it for several times a day. You would be surprised that this really works and gives a fast relief.
  5. Make paste with potato, spread it on a cloth and apply it externally on inflamed eyes to reduce swelling.
  6. Prepare a concentrated extract out of handful acacia leaves by boiling it with 2 cups of water. Use it as compress on eyelids for fast relief from stye in the eye. Strain the preparation properly before use.
  7. Turmeric is known for its great healing powers and helps primarily in lowering blood cholesterol, stimulates digestion and has benefits in weight loss. It gives fast relief in eye stye too. Take 1tsp of turmeric and boil it with 2 cups of water. Keep it boiling till it reduces to half. Now pass it several times through finely woven cotton fabric till all the turmeric granules are removed. Use it as eye drops 2-3 times in a day.
  8. Antibacterial dandelion tea helps body to fight with bacteria which causes stye.
  9. A clove soaked in water could be applied on the infected eye to get rid of eye sty pain.
  10. To reduce the swelling, redness and pain in eye with sty use a guava leaves warm compress. To make it, warm Guava leaves and put them in warm damp cloth. Apply the compress slowly over the eyes.
  11. Tea bags are highly beneficial in treatment of stye in eye. Moistened tea bag could also be bandaged on the sty infected eye and left for 3-4 hours for faster relief. Bandage the tea bags with your eyes closed.


Tags:   Eye Stye, eyes , stye , eye , water , tea , use , home , infected , eyelid , relief , patient , times , bags , sty , make , triphala , turmeric , left , helps , fast
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