Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and pains, lifestyle conditions, minor skin and hair problems and common ailments at home!
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Defective vision
Defective vision is powerlessness of eyes. The categories of defective vision are myopia or short sightedness, long sightedness and color blindness. Short sightedness means incapability of seeing far objects where as long sightedness means incapability of seeing nearer objects and in color blindness, one is not able to differentiate between colors. Old people are mostly sufferer of these eye problems. The different sign or symptoms of defective vision are itching and heaviness in the eyes, water secretion from eyes, and minor pain in the head, unclear vision, and reddishness of eyes.
Featured Remedy
Defective vision Triphala is a good eye tonic and decoction of triphala can be taken as a herbal medicine to keep eyes healthy and in proper condition. Triphala need to be soaked overnight in boiled water and the strained water need to be consumed in the morning and with some part, you can wash your eyes. This helps to keep eyes in condition for longer time than usual.
Defective vision
Triphala powder (easily available at grocer's shop.)
Defective vision
Cup your palms over closed eyes, without touching them. Look into the blackness. This can be very restful. Sit in a relaxed position. Move your eyes in a wide circular motion, first in one direction and then the other. Move the eyes to the right and left and then up and down.
Hold your forefinger in front of your face. Keep looking at it and move your finger further away from you. Then look past the finger as far as you can see and then back to your finger. Slowly bring your finger back. Repeat this 3 or 4 times.
Whenever you are out of doors, consciously look at the trees and plants. The green color is soothing to the eyes. No wonder, nature has been so generous with green.
Other Remedies
Defective vision
The best remedy for treating defective vision is to increase the consumption of foods rich in Vitamin A. They are the best source for improving vision. Some of the food items include raw spinach, turnip tops, milk cream, cheese, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, soya beans, green peas, fresh milk, oranges, and dates.
Intake a lot of carrot juice as it has been found very effective in curing defective vision.
In a glass of milk, mix 1/2 teaspoon each of licorice root power and honey. Add 1/4 part of ghee. Drink this milk as it would be beneficial in curing defective vision.
In 200 ml of carrot juice, add 150 ml of celery juice, 75 ml of endives juice, and 75 ml of parsley juice to make 1/2 liter of these juices. In this mixture, combine 1/2 liter of chicory juice as well. Intake of this juice everyday helps in improving vision.
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