Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and pains, lifestyle conditions, minor skin and hair problems and common ailments at home!
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Bacterial vaginitis
Bacterial vaginitis also referred to as Bacterial vaginosis, is one of the most frequently occurring conditions wherein there is fluid discharge from genitourinary tract of the female. It is characterized by inflammation of vagina and increased alkalinity or rise in pH in the regions surrounding it. About 10% women around the globe are affected by the condition. However as many as half of the women population have either mild or no symptoms. It is caused due to overgrowth of a particular set of bacteria which out competes the normal flora of vagina resulting in a shift from acidic to alkaline conditions. It is easy to treat the disease but if left untreated, bacterial vaginitis increases the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) as well as complications during pregnancy.
Featured Remedy
Bacterial vaginitis Put some triphala herb powder in water and make a decoction with it. Wash the vagina with this solution.
Bacterial vaginitis
Triphala powder
Bacterial vaginitis
Avoid use of bubble bath, perfumed soaps, vaginal douches or disinfectants. These destroy the natural acidic vaginal secretions that protect against Bacterial Vaginosis.
Wear cotton underwear and loose clothes.
Home remedies can help you keep bacterial growth under control, but it is always advisable to consult professional help in cases of Bacterial Vaginosis.
Other Remedies
Bacterial vaginitis
Eat or apply plain yogurt directly to the vagina. Alternatively, a tampon soaked in yogurt can be inserted.
Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Garlic can be taken internally or can be applied directly on the vagina.
Use calendula herb to reduce the inflammation.
Herbs like tea tree oil, black walnut, Echinacea and goldenseal are effective in treating bacterial vaginitis.
Soak a tea bag in water and cool it in refrigerator and then apply it to the vagina.
All advice is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice and/or diagnosis/treatment. DesiDieter does not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.