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Colitis means a chronic irritation or inflammation of the colon that is term used for large or lower intestine. This occurs from protracted inflammation of the covering wall of the colon. Men and Women are equally affected in this disease. Constant ulcerative colitis is very severe inflammation of the colon. The main symptom of colitis is pain in abdomen. Colitis starts in the lower part of the colon and spreads towards upper parts.

Drumsticks are also useful in colitis. A teaspoon of fresh leaf juice, mixed with an equal quantity of honey and a glass of tender coconut water, is given two or three times daily as a herbal medicine for treatment of this disease.
  • Drumsticks
  • Honey
  • Coconut water
  • Balanced diet is essential to keep your body fit and healthy. Person suffering from colitis should take food rich in green leafy vegetables like cabbage, carrot, etc. There diet should also include fruits like papaya, apple, and banana.
  • Patients should keep juice diet, in which they can only take freshly prepared juice 3-4 times a day. This continues for 8-9 days, after that they can be given balanced diet, including whole wheat grain etc.
  • Avoid citrus fruits like orange. Do not take junk foods, sweets, chocolates, hard and soft drinks.
  • Do mediation and yoga. Live a healthy stress free life, go for walk and do exercises regularly. They are great way of keeping away from various diseases and help in curing colitis.
Other Remedies
  • Consumption of one glass of buttermilk is an effective remedy for colitis.
  • Regular consumption of 2-3 ripe bananas are beneficial to reduce the ailment caused by colitis. Banana is a little laxative, full of nutritious value, and easy to digest fruit that promotes the healing process of colitis.
  • Green coconut’s water is a good preventive of colitis. The water available from coconut reacts positively in healing process, thus promotes faster healing process.
  • Apple is a rich source of phosphorus and iron. Apple treated with steam is an effective remedial medicine for colitis patient.
Tags:   Colitis, colitis , colon , diet , water , juice , process , healing , inflammation , times , glass , banana , apple , keep , medicine , rich , coconut , lower , fruits , effective , healthy
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