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Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is a whitish discharge from the vagina. It may be thick and viscid, and foul smelling, if it is caused by some infection. In addition to infection, some hormonal and metabolic disorders are also responsible for the condition. Ayurveda considers that leucorrhoea is caused by the vitiation of kapha; it occurs commonly among weak, emaciated, and anemic women. It could also be due to inflammation of the womb following childbirth, displacement of the uterus, or gonorrhea. Among young females, it may be due to thread worms, as the result of general debility combined with lack of cleanliness or infections.

In one liter of water, put 200 grams of ladyfinger. Boil this decoction until the water reduces to half. Strain the mixture and add sugar to taste. Drink 70 ml of this decoction, every 3 hours.
  • Ladyfinger
  • Fried and spicy food should be completely avoided.
  • The patient should not be allowed to keep her stomach empty for a long time.
  • She should not take heavy or indigestible food material.
  • Sour items, especially pickle and curds should be forbidden.
  • Intake of supari after consuming food is very useful, both for avoidance and cure of this disease.
Other Remedies
  • Fenugreek seeds are extremely beneficial in the treatment of leucorrhoea. Make a tea from Fenugreek seeds by putting 2 tsp seeds in 1-liter water. Bring to a boil and let it simmer on low flame for approximately 30 minutes. Strain this potion and use as a douche.
  • Prepare a decoction of fresh leaves of walnut tree and use as a douche. The astringent chemicals present in the leaves will prove to be quite beneficial.
  • Mango seeds are of great value for treating leucorrhoea. Apply 1 tsp paste of decorticated kernel of mango inside the vagina.
Tags:   Leucorrhoea, leucorrhoea , seeds , water , decoction , food , condition , infection , use , leaves , boil , some , strain , douche , caused , vagina , tsp , beneficial , may , simmer , present
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