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Depression is an emotional disorder in which feeling of sadness, utter misery, dejection and all kind of unpleasant memories manifest. Depression often springs from anxiety. Though minor despair or glumness of the spirit can be mitigated, depression is something more powerful. Often it is a result of Vitamin B deficiency or it may be an allergy which triggers an unhappy reaction. Do not take tranquilizers for they are not the answer.
  • Lack of interest in small pleasures.
  • Obvious mood changes.
  • Feeling of misery, restlessness and loss of sleep.
  • Loss of appetite and constipation.
  • Suicidal attempts in some cases.

Pound 1 table spoon dry coriander seeds in the mortar. Remove the husk and boil the seeds in 500 ml milk. Add sugar according to your taste and take this at bedtime.
  • Coriander seeds (dhania)
  • Milk
  • Make sure that you exercise regularly.
  • Avoid heavy foods such as cheese and meat.
  • Increase vegetables in your diet.
  • 'Early to bed and early to rise' is the best policy for the individuals suffering from depression.
  • Try to substitute a positive thought for every negative thought that pops up in your mind.
  • To focus your attention away from yourself, do something to help others.
Other Remedies
  • Apple is very valuable in treating depression. Take the fruit with milk and honey. This will act as a very effective nerve tonic.
  • Mix one tea spoon of powdered asparagus (shatawari/safed musli) with 1/2 tsp honey. Take it twice daily with warm cow milk.
  • Fry, some Brahmi leaves lightly in desi ghee (Pure ghee). Add pepper and some sugar. Take this regularly at bed time.
Tags:   Depression, depression , milk , seeds , some , add , spoon , very , bed , thought , regularly , ghee , honey , something , sugar , misery , fry , leaves , brahmi , cow , daily
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