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Bone spur

Bone spur is an extra growth of bone on the normal bone. It is also called as osteophytes. It occurs on the joints like joints of feet, back bone, shoulders, hands, hip and knees. At that time, bone spurs can damage some nerves and those nerves becomes insensitive. Bone spur is a very common problem among the aged people. Bone spur causes pain when it strokes into other bones otherwise it does not cause any pain itself. Usually it appears when a person is suffering from arthritis. Bone spur checks the free movements in the joints. For that, it causes inflammation and severe pain. Sometimes it may act as another problem.

Bone spur
Bathe the joints with chamomile tea. Take a cup of boiling water and steep 2-3 tsp fresh or dried chamomile flowers in it. Strain the decoction and cool it down. Use it to bathe the painful joints.
Bone spur
  • Chamomile flowers
Bone spur
  • Flat shoes stretch the ligament on the foot even further and aggravate the already painful bone spur. Wear supportive, well padded shoes with shock absorbers for best support.
  • Strenuous activity will further aggravate the bone spur. Try to rest as much a possible to ease the pain.
Other Remedies
Bone spur
  • One can use an ice pack for curing the bone spur. An ice pack is applied over the projected area and pressed softly. Alternative hot and cold packs also increase the blood flow in the affected area and are effective means of curing bone spur.
  • A clean cloth soaked in warm linseed oil can be kept on the region of the bone spur. Cover this with a heating pad to obtain relief from pain.
  • A hot pack made up of flaxseed can be applied to the affected region. This has been found to help in relieving the pain due to bone spur.
  • If the spur occurs at heels, one can undergo footbath with alternating cold and hot water. It has been found to be an effective home remedy.
  • Turmeric powder can be taken three times a day as it has been known since long for its healing properties. This alleviates the pain and cures bone spur as well.
Tags:   Bone spur, bone , spur , pain , joints , pack , been , hot , painful , found , problem , chamomile , further , shoes , causes , water , aggravate , use , affected , region , bone
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