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Home Remedies

 Home Remedies

Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and
pains, lifestyle conditions, minor skin and hair problems and common ailments at home!
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Neuritis is one of the most serious nervous disorders. It refers to an inflammation of the nerves, involving a single nerve or a series of nerves. At times, several different groups of nerves in various parts of the body may be involved. This condition is known as polyneuritis. It is also known as polyneuropathy, for strictly speaking, the condition is not an inflammation, but a change in the state of the nerves resulting in weakness, loss of .the reflexes and changes in sensation. The main symptoms of neuritis are tingling, burning, and stabbing pains in the affected nerves. In severe cases, there may be numbness and loss of sensation and paralysis of the nearby muscles. Thus, a temporary paralysis of the face may result from changes in the facial nerve on the affected side.

Barley brew is an effective remedy. Boil one fourth cup of natural barley in 2 quarters of water till it has reduced to 1 quarter. Strain it carefully and mix it with lime juice and buttermilk for better results.
  • Natural Barley
  • The patient should be given two or three hot Epsom-salt baths weekly. He should remain in the bath for 25 to 30 minutes.
  • The affected parts should also be bathed several times daily in hot water containing Epsom salt - a table- spoon of salt to a cupful of hot water.
  • The patient should undertake walking and other moderate exercises.
Other Remedies
  • Carrots and spinach are effective in treating neuritis. Combine 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice. Consume this combination regularly.
  • The flowers of orange are beneficial in curing neuritis. Eat fresh orange flowers, along with honey. Another method would be to distill water from the flowers and drink it on a daily basis.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin D.
  • Soak soya beans in water for about 12 hours. Thereafter, peel them and grind to make a paste. Add some water to the paste and warm till the first boil. Strain the mixture and have it when warm.
Tags:   Neuritis, water , nerves , neuritis , flowers , affected , may , the , juice , hot , effective , paralysis , loss , changes , sensation , boil , spinach , patient , salt , warm , paste
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