Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and pains, lifestyle conditions, minor skin and hair problems and common ailments at home!
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Nausea can be described as a sensation of unease and discomfort in the stomach, with an urge to vomit. It is not a sickness in itself, rather a symptom, which might be experienced in case of numerous diseases or disorders. Nausea can be seen in case of indigestion, morning sickness, motion and sea sickness, stress, chemotherapy, consumption of drugs and alcohol, overeating, food intolerance and different illnesses. The main symptoms of the nauseating feeling are an urge to puke, stomach pain, dizziness and sweating.
Featured Remedy
Nausea Eating a small piece of fresh or pickled ginger usually helps the nausea to subside. Additionally, ginger tea can be made by boiling fresh ginger in water and adding honey or milk as desired.
Rest is often the best cure for whatever's causing your nausea or vomiting.
As anyone who has suffered a hangover knows, alcohol can be very irritating to the stomach. If you already have an upset stomach, now is certainly not the time to imbibe. The same goes for fatty foods, highly seasoned foods, beverages containing caffeine, and cigarettes.
The worst thing you can do for vomiting is to fight it, because vomiting is your body's way of getting rid of something that is causing harm in your stomach. Trying to hold back the urge can actually cause tears in your esophagus.
Cold compress on your head can be very comforting when you are vomiting. It won't stop you from spewing, but it may help you feel a little better.
Along with replacing the fluids you lose through vomiting; it is also important to maintain the balance of sodium and potassium (the electrolytes) in your system.
Other Remedies
You can take:
Wash 8-10 fresh peppermint leaves; add some tea leaves and water, then boil. You can add honey to sweeten, do not add sugar it will make you sicker. Cool and drink.
Eat a banana before every meal to prevent morning sickness.
Drink cold coca cola through small sips.
Stir one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in half a cup of water and drink.
To stop vomiting, eat Popsicle basically good for kids.
Sprinkle some arrack drops on the stomach and rub for a few minutes, then cover.
All advice is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice and/or diagnosis/treatment. DesiDieter does not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.