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Bites and stings

Everything from a mosquito to a spider can cause serious reactions in the body. The problem is not the injury but what the insect leaves behind (the venom). This is a defense mechanism that is used, for example when a beehive detects danger. When someone is stung by an insect the area becomes swollen, red, extremely painful or burning, However, the symptoms are hard to breathe, swallow, disorientation, swelling of eyes and mouth and in some cases unconsciousness or death.

Bites and stings
Mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda to some water until it gets creamy. Then, smear on the sting until pain is gone.
Bites and stings
  • Baking soda
Bites and stings
  • Wash the surface thoroughly with an antiseptic lotion.
  • Do not scratch the area.
  • Apply the paste of neem leaves to subside the inflammation and also prevent allergies.
Other Remedies
Bites and stings
  • It is suggested that mud can help in removing the stinger. One can apply a thick coating of mud on the affected area of the skin so as to treat bee sting.
  • Castor oil can treat swelling of skin and can remove the stinger from the affected skin area. This can treat bee sting. Castor oil can be applied locally on the skin.
  • One drop of lavender oil can be applied directly on the affected skin area for treating bee sting.
Tags:   Bites and stings, skin , area , sting , affected , treat , oil , bee , swelling , some , applied , bites , stinger , bites , insect , mud , leaves , suggested , pain , stings it , gone
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