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Bleeding Nose

Though a bleeding nose may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency or high blood pressure, it is usually caused by a blow or overexcitement. It is considered a safety valve and should therefore be allowed to continue for at least 5 minutes. By that time it should have expelled an obstruction and relieved pressure. If you have regular bleeding on one side of the nose, which happens any time without warning, you can attribute it to the weather, physical exercise, sneezing or having a cold.
  • Bleeding through the nose.
  • Production of coffee brown-brown vomit, if the blood is swallowed.
  • There could be signs of shock in case of prolonged or profuse bleeding.

Bleeding Nose
Take red sandalwood (Lal chandan), liquorices (Mulethi) and Cobra's saffron (Naag Kesar) in equal parts. Grind these into a fine powder. Take 4 to 5 gms of this powder with a glass of milk.
Bleeding Nose
  • Red sandalwood (Lal Chandan)
  • Liquorice (Mulethi)
  • Cobra's saffron (Naag Kesar)
Bleeding Nose
  • When you have nose bleed, sit upright in a chair and stay as quiet as possible. Don't tilt your head backward.
  • Apply cold compresses or ice cubes above the nose and across the bridge of the nose. It helps in controlling the bleeding.
  • Avoid salty, sour, and pungent tastes as they aggravate the problem.
  • If you are a smoker, stop smoking immediately.
Other Remedies
Bleeding Nose
  • Extract the juice of pomegranate flowers. Put 2 drops of this juice in each nostril thrice a day.
  • Add alum (Phitkari) to cow’s milk and use it as nasal drops.
  • Chewing white onions or inhaling the fumes produced by burning them, stops nasal bleeding.
  • Crush the leaves of fresh coriander to extract its juice. Use it as nasal drops to control nose bleed.
Tags:   Bleeding Nose, bleeding , nose , juice , drops , nasal , sandalwood , saffron , mulethi , chandan , naag , lal , milk , bleed , use , bleeding , cold , kesar , powder , blood , pressure
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