Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and pains, lifestyle conditions, minor skin and hair problems and common ailments at home!
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The problem of being underweight has become a common phenomenon. It is a condition, when a person does not have an ideal weight, according to his/her height and sex. A person, who weighs almost 10 to 20 percent below the average, is termed underweight. Some of the causes for underweight problems are rise in the stress level, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, exposure to pollutants, lack of exercise, etc. Bad eating habits also add to the causes for the occurrence of the problem. Being underweight can also arise due to hereditary reasons. Apart from being skinny, a person starts facing a number of health problems.
Featured Remedy
Underweight The mango-milk cure is an ideal treatment for thinness. For this mode of treatment, ripe and sweet mangoes should always be selected. They should be taken thrice a day-morning, afternoon, and evening. Two medium sized mangoes should be taken first and then followed by a glass of milk.
Apart from taking healthy diet you can also intake high calorie dairy foods and chocolate. As these items are high in calorie count, they help in gaining weight faster.
Consumption of red meat helps to gain weight, but while you are chasing your body weight to increase, please keep a watch on your lipid profile. Irrespective of increasing body mass, the lipid profile should be same as ever like normal people.
Other Remedies
Raisins are beneficial in solving underweight problems. Have 30 grams of raisins every day for about a month. This would surely cure underweight problems.
Take 3-4 dry figs and immerse them in water. Keep them overnight. Have this twice a day to get cured of underweight problem.
Combine equal amounts of pomegranate seed powder, white muesli powder and Indian ginseng root powder. Intake this mixture, twice a day for about a month, along with a glass of water or milk. Not only does it helps gain weight, but also tones up the body.
Intake 100 to 150 grams of bran with fruits. The best deal would be to take it with papaya. It works as an excellent appetizer improving digestion and reducing constipation.
Increase in the intake of fatty foods such as flour, rice honey, raisins, figs, dates, butter, germinated wheat, etc. also helps.
All advice is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice and/or diagnosis/treatment. DesiDieter does not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.