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 Home Remedies

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Corns are conical skin patches with their tip pointing into the foot. There are basically two types of corns - hard corns which are formed on the top of the toes or on the outer sides of the little toes and soft corns, which are formed between the toes. Some of the causes of corns are wearing tight shoes, ill fitting socks, inflexible or nonporous shoes and high-heeled shoes. The most common symptoms of corns are pyramid like structures occurring over the joints of the toes and on the soles of the feet.

Liquorice is one of the most valuable remedies for newly formed corns. A paste made by grinding three or four liquorices sticks and mixing it with half a teaspoon of sesame oil or mustard oil should be rubbed into the hardened skin at bedtime. The skin gradually softens and the corn decreases in size.
  • Liquorices
  • Mustard oil
  • Always keep your feet clean and dry. Gently apply medicated powder on the corn affected area like, between the fingers, swollen skin area surrounding the finger nail. This will give some relief.
  • Remove dirt by using some warm water and medicated cleanser solution. It will give some relief from the pain caused by corns.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that are neither very tight nor very loose. Tight shoes exert pressure on your feet which leads to corns.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in green vegetables and fruits.
  • Always keep your fingers clean and prevent any exertion of external pressure on the toe fingers.
Other Remedies
  • Soaking your feet in diluted chamomile tea can be soothing and will temporarily change the pH of the skin to help dry out sweaty feet. The tea will stain your feet, but the strain can be easily removed with soap and water.
  • Sprinkle cornstarch between your toes to keep the area dry and protect the skin from breaking down. Moisture can make a corn or callus feel miserable and can promote fungal infections.
  • Soak a cotton ball in vinegar and tape it to your corn or callus. Leave the vinegar-soaked cotton on overnight. In the morning, rub the area with a pumice stone.
  • Pumice powder and stones are used for scouring pans and are very useful for sloughing away dead skin. After soaking your foot in warm water for about 20 minutes, use a pumice stone to rub away those corns and calluses.
Tags:   Corns, corns , skin , feet , shoes , toes , will , corn , some , area , formed , keep , fingers , very , tight , water , dry , give , most , pumice , rub
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