Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and pains, lifestyle conditions, minor skin and hair problems and common ailments at home!
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Sciatica is an inflammation of the supporting tissues of the sciatic nerve. It is usually felt in the top center of the buttock, through which a fiery pain shoots and continues on down the back of thigh and towards the ankle. Any sudden movement or any attempt to bend increase the pain. A number of conditions may make people more susceptible to sciatica. A herniated disc, usually termed as slipped disk, is the most common cause of severe sciatica.
Pain travels in the region of sciatic nerve.
Feeling of numbness and a tingling sensation in the region of affected nerve.
Pain while raising the straightened leg and restriction of movement.
Featured Remedy
Sciatica Take 50 g each of horse radish and black radish roots. Don't peel them but wash properly and chop finely. Place in two liters of white wine, seal and leave for one month. Strain and drink a glassful before meals, twice a day.
Black radish roots
Horse radish roots
White wine
If you feel acute lower back pain, lie down comfortably.
Alternating ice packs and heating pads at about 15 minute intervals can also relieve the pain.
Strict bed rest for a couple of weeks is certainly helpful in sciatica.
Never force yourself to exercise.
Take adequate sleep as it plays a vital role in recovery from sciatica.
Other Remedies
Swallow 4 cloves of garlic along with water on an empty stomach.
Mix saffron in warm milk and take it once, preferably at bed time.
Mix 1 gram each of dried ginger powder and Pipli (long pepper) powder in 10 ml of castor oil. Take this mixture twice daily for a few days.
All advice is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice and/or diagnosis/treatment. DesiDieter does not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.