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A infection of the lungs, Tuberculosis is caused by the bacteria "Mycobacterium tuberculosis". The germ enters the body through nose, mouth or windpipe and stays down in the tile lungs. The causes of tuberculosis include low resistance of the body, smoking, drinking and stress. The symptoms of this disease begin with cough and extend to chest pain, prolonged coughing and bringing out blood with cough. Fever, chills, sweating at night, loss of appetite and weight loss are some other symptoms associated with tuberculosis.

Custard apple is an excellent food remedy with rejuvenating power for Tuberculosis. Boil custard apple pulp and seedless raisins in water. Filter it when 1/3rd of water is left. Add sugar candy, cardamom and cinnamon before consuming.
  • Custard apple pulp
  • Seedless raisins
  • Avoid bananas, tinned and dry fruits.
  • The patient should get plenty of fresh air, sunshine and sleep.
  • A neutral immersion bath for an hour everyday is very healing.
  • Yoga, slow massage and deep breathing are also effective.
Other Remedies
  • Prepare fresh juice from Indian gooseberry and add some honey in it. Taking this every morning. It will be highly effective in curing tuberculosis. This is one of the very effective home remedies for tuberculosis.
  • Drinking one glass of pineapple juice on a daily basis will be very effective in giving speedy recovery.
  • Prepare juice of plantains and have it daily, as it will help to cure tuberculosis. Bananas are also effective in treating the cough and fever caused due to tuberculosis.
  • Collect leaves of drumstick and boil them in water. After it cools down add slat, pepper and limejuice and drink this soup prepared from these leaves.
  • Include bottle gourd in your meals, as it is one of the best vegetables for treating tuberculosis.
Tags:   Tuberculosis, tuberculosis , effective , juice , add , apple , cough , water , will , one , very , leaves , loss , fever , some , boil , symptoms , daily , bananas , treating , fresh
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