Let food be your medicine! In India, food has been used to cure minor ailments for years. Learn how you can cure aches and pains, lifestyle conditions, minor skin and hair problems and common ailments at home!
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Fever or very high temperature is the necessary manner in which the body rids itself of infection. As soon as it becomes apparent that a state of general malaise, loss of appetite, aches and pains is progressing into a shivery fever, the patient should be put to bed in a warm and airy room. Sponging the face and body of the patient with cool flannels, changing sweat-soaked bed clothes and night wear and presenting a comforting appearance all do a great deal to aid recovery.
Rise in the body temperature from normal of 98.4 degree Fahrenheit or 37 degree Celsius.
Rapid breathing and increase in the rate of heart beat.
Headache, body ache, shivering and increased thirst.
Featured Remedy
Fever Put 10 to 15 leaves of basil in 500 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Now add a few seeds of cardamom, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Boil for 5 minutes more. Give this decoction to the patient three times a day.
Leaves of basil (Tulsi)
Seeds of cardamom
Avoid cold and sour foods. Take rest as undue strain may aggravate the condition.
Take plenty of water and liquids.
Do cold water sponging if the temperature is very high.
Citrus juice is good as it helps in fighting infections.
Other Remedies
Extract the juice of 'Neem' by crushing its leaves and add some honey to it. Drink it thrice a day.
Fenugreek seeds soaked in water and then used in making tea proves to be a very soothing drink in fever.
Soak some raisins in water, crush them and extract the pulp. Add a teaspoon of lime juice and drink this mixture twice daily.
Fresh juice of apricots, mixed with glucose helps in bringing down the fever.
All advice is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice and/or diagnosis/treatment. DesiDieter does not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.