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Pyorrhea, or periodontal disease, to give it a proper medical term, is a disease of the gums, it is one of the most widely prevalent diseases. It affects the membrane surrounding the roots of the teeth and leads to loosening of teeth, pus formation, and shrinkage of gums. This disease is the primary cause for tooth loss among adults.

Mix dry pomegranate rind powder with pepper and common salt. Apply as a dentifrice regularly to stop the bleeding, strengthen gums and prevent pyorrhea.
  • Pomegranate rind powder
  • Pepper
  • Common Salt
  • Eat some source of vitamin C on a daily basis. Raw guava is a very good source of Vitamin C. So take a raw guava, cut it into four, apply a little salt on each piece, and eat the pieces.
  • Eat fruits such as cucumbers, apples, and papayas.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Lastly, as part of regular oral hygiene, rinse your mouth properly after every meal and visit your dentist at least once in three months.
Other Remedies
  • After brushing, take some mustard oil and add a pinch of salt to it. Rub this mixture on the gums, with the tip of your forefinger. An alternative would be to soak cotton ball in mustard oil and rub it on the gums.
  • In a bowl of water, immerse some parwal leaves, ginger, black pepper, peepal root and rock salt. Boil the water until the decoction is ready. Now, strain it with a cloth and allow it to cool. Use this decoction for gargling.
  • Boil 4 to 5 bark pieces in a vessel of water, for about half an hour. After the decoction cools down a bit, strain it and use it for gargling. This would be effective in treating pyorrhea.
  • Blend 200 ml castor oil and 5 grams camphor in 100 ml honey. Dip one of the ends of a neem twig in it and rub it lightly on your teeth.
  • Raw lemon juice is effective in treating pyorrhea. All you need to do is rub the juice over the gums. It would give a tingling sensation, but stop the bleeding.
Tags:   Pyorrhea, gums , pyorrhea , salt , teeth , rub , water , some , decoction , oil , bleeding , raw , vitamin , guava , apply , pepper , pieces , effective , gargling , juice , strain
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