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Indigestion also known as dyspepsia is a condition of the stomach in which digestive juices are not secreted properly and results in discomfort in the stomach. This condition is mainly the result of consumption of variety of foodstuffs and eatables.

Add a pinch of salt to one teaspoon of fresh coriander leaf juice and drink it twice a day.
  • Coriander leaf juice
  • Yogic asanas such as ardhmatsyasana, sarvangasana, uttanpadasana, pavanmuktasana, vajrasana, yogamudra, bhujangasana, shalabhasana and shavasana are very beneficial.
  • Yogic kriyas like jalnati, kunjal and pranayamas like kapalbhati, anulomaviloma and ujjai are very beneficial in the treatment of indigestion.
  • Application of ice bag over the stomach for half an hour after meals is highly recommended.
Other Remedies
  • Take a glass of water and mix juice of half lemon with a bit of soda bicarb for instant relief.
  • Ginger stimulates the formation of digestive juices, which helps in breaking down the food faster in the stomach.
  • Ginger coated with a pinch of salt could be taken before meal for Indigestion remedy.
  • A pinch of Asafetida powder with butter could be taken with rice before meal for good digestion and evacuation of bowels.
Tags:   Indigestion, stomach , indigestion , pinch , beneficial , salt , meal , half , taken , ginger , leaf , juice , very , digestive , juices , condition , remedy , asanas , indigestion yogic , ardhmatsyasana , recommended
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