Re: What is flax seed? What is it called in Hindi/India?
Here is some more useful information : Flaxseeds are known as ALSI in Hindi, Gujarati, and Punjabi, Ali Vidai in Tamil. In Marathi, it is also known as jawas, alashi, and linseed. n Bengali, it is known as Tishi, in Oriya its Pesi. In Kannada, its called Agasi, and telugu people call it Avise ginzalu. Finally, in Kerala, the Malyalis call it Cheruchana vithu
Re: What is flax seed? What is it called in Hindi/India?
English Flax seed or Linseed in Urdu Alsi East Uttar Pradesh Tisi yield high quality Oil cake for buffalo and livestocks also used as bate for fishing with some spices particularly in East Uttar Prdesh
Re: What is flax seed? What is it called in Hindi/India?
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Re: What is flax seed? What is it called in Hindi/India?
how to take it? I mean to soak overnight in water or make a powder form and take it in warm water in morning. How many times we can take in a day. what are the benefits?
Re: What is flax seed? What is it called in Hindi/India?
Flaxseeds are slightly larger than sesame seeds(til seeds) and have a hard shell that is smooth and shiny. Their color ranges from deep yellow-orange to reddish brown depending upon whether the flax is of the golden or brown variety.
Flaxseed is commonly known as Alsi (Gujrati, Hindi Punjabi), Jawas (Marathi), Tishi (Bengali), Agasi (Kannada).
Recent research has shown that the benefits of flax seed include lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) levels. It may also help lower blood triglyceride and blood pressure.
Use about 2tbsp freshly ground flaxseeds every day to see the benefits.
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