It is best to let your emotions pass. You are angry; so be it, don't suppress your fury. You are sad, allow yourself to be gloomy. But, Jeetika reminds that after you wallow in your emotions for a while, get up and move on. Feel fresh ...
Why Should I Yoga

Yoga is more than an exercise routine. It is a complimentary medicine. DesiDieter experts recommend yoga with diet to heal body, mind and soul....
Yoga and Cancer

Yoga is conscious training for the state of spiritual insight and tranquility which is achieved through action, knowledge and devotion...
Yoga to Reduce Wrinkles and Aging

The most common definition of aging is not what really determines it....
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The rains also tend to bring to the table steaming teas along with hot pakoras. So how does one take care of the diet and exercise during with all these hurdles?...
Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found among lipids in the bloodstream and cells. Cholesterol isn't all bad....
Health problems these days are becoming more difficult to tackle due to their multidimensional causes, onset, progression and treatment options....
Homeopathy, which is an alternative therapy based on the theory that "like cures like" was developed in the late eighteenth century. As a part of homeopathy, talking therapies are used to reduce stress....
Is your man over 40 years of age and been suffering from fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss and blaming it on mid-life crisis?...